Jarosław – shelter and headquarters of the Unitatem Foundation | Poland Welcomes.
Maximum number of people: 250
Kidałowice – a military facility that has been renovated.
Maximum number of people: 250
Support from IOM UN Migration
IOM has been an invaluable help to our centre from the very beginning.
They carried out a lot of work, including funding a playground, which brought a lot of joy to the children living in our centre in Radymno. In addition, they carried out thermo-modernisation works and renovated the façade, which allowed our residents to feel warm and cosy during winter days. They also modernised all the bathrooms, which made the stay of our residents more comfortable.
We are extremely grateful for their support and commitment to creating a safe and comfortable environment for those in need.
Support from the Stefan Batory Foundation
The running of the centre in Kidalowice in November-December was supported by a grant of PLN 96,000 from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, received in a competition organised by the Stefan Batory Foundation in cooperation with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).
Support from Stowarzyszenia Wiosna
Thanks to the support of Stowarzyszenia Wiosna, we are able to effectively organise the transport of refugees in the Republic of Poland, with a particular focus on the Podkarpackie area. Our activities also include transporting children to kindergartens, giving refugees access to medical care, organising transport to the border, and picking up refugees from the Przemyśl railway station. Together we work to support and integrate, creating safe conditions for those seeking refuge and a better future.
Find us on instagram
Adres: ul. Poniatowskiego 53, 37-500 Jarosław, Poland | Email: polandwelcomes@gmail.com